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This is where you will find most answers. If there should still be any questions left, don’t hesitate to contact us.
What is a buyers agent?

A buyer’s agent works exclusively for the purchaser sourcing properties that match the buyer’s requirements. Buyers agent’s use their knowledge of real estate sourcing and negotiating the best property with best settlement conditions for their clients.

A selling agent’s responsibility is to act in the best interests of the vendor, to exclusively advertise and sell the vendors property for the highest price to the market place without regard for the best interests of the buyer.

Do I have to be wealthy to use a buyers agent?

Not at all! We have helped purchase properties that are valued at $500,000 and upwards of $2.000,000. The services of a buyers agent are ideal for those who don’t have the time, knowledge, skills or desire to undertake a real estate transaction on their own.

Are your fees tax deductible?

We do not provide financial advice however if you are buying property for investment, our fees may be tax deductible. Check with your accountant for advice specific to your situation.

Can you access of market properties?

Yes, because of our excellent personal relationships that have been built up over many decades with local real estate agents across Canberra. We can also source private sales with no selling agent involved.

Are you independent or attached to a real estate agency?

Hyde Burchell Buyers Agents are 100% independent of any agency, builder or developer across Canberra.

Do you offer finance or conveyancing?

No, however we can assemble a great property purchasing team from our network of trusted local professionals for you.

Do you find properties for investors and home owners?

Yes. A lot of our clients are looking for their next home but as an investor, you also have the advantage of accessing our preferred partners and exclusive offers with our Investors Club service

Why am I better off having you bid for me at auction?

Auctions are unpredictable and can be difficult for the inexperienced to negotiate. We are experts in this field and eliminate all the fear and uncertainties involved in the auction process.

Some people prefer to remain anonymous or cannot physically attend so it is often easier for us to take care of the entire process and bid on their behalf.

I’m not in Canberra or Australia, can we still work with you?

Absolutely. From our office in Canberra we work with clients from across the globe.

Should a buyer agent have a real estate background?

Yes, most definitely. Don’t risk putting what is often the single largest purchase you will make in your lifetime in the hands of someone without adequate real estate and negotiating experience. It makes sense to use someone with a knowledge of the industry who can negotiate with the selling agent to secure you the best price.

What if a property is perfect for two of your clients?

Everyone has different criteria when it comes to property but sometimes those criteria can match up. For this reason, we do not take on another client who is purchasing with the same requirements as an existing client.

How do we start working with you?

Let’s start with a conversation or call Mandy or Nicole in the office on 62433661. It’s that simple.

Let’s start a

If you don’t have the benefit of time, skills or knowledge when buying property, we can help.

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